“What is it going to take for you to stop being a part of the problem and start being a part of the solution?” ~ Betty S. Caylor

Be the Change in virginia

Are you ready to "BE THE CHANGE" for an individual with disabilities and his/her family? Here is your opportunity! Medical Home Plus, Inc. is an incredible nonprofit that prides itself on serving and supporting individuals with disabilities and their families!

Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information!

The countdown begins for our Uncork Hope Fundraiser on November 4! Our theme, Hope Grows, embodies the feeling our families have when working with us and the tremendous growth we are experiencing! We look forward to seeing you there! #UncorkHopeGrows

We are more excited than ever for this year’s sponsorship opportunities!

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


I am learning to be present! Notice when doors (opportunities) open and to jump with both feet! I am eternally grateful for my Partners in Policymaking team for being there for me through my journey!

Appendix K is now a permanent option for parents and caregivers of minors!

“If you don't try, you've already failed.” ― J.D. Barker

Senate Finance & House Appropriations Committee Budget Hearing

January 5, 2022

Kate Oppe

Virginia Disability Commission

November 18, 2021

Kate Oppe & James Shea

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Get Involved

in your community

  • Each School System in the Commonwealth should have a local Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC). Attend these meetings and sign up to speak and voice your concerns.

  • Reach out to the Center for Family Involvement to connect with local parents.

  • Find organizations near you to connect with local parents, stay informed and build your village.