“To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived - that is to have succeeded” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Kate Oppe
Professional Experience
2017 - 2021 Special Education Secondary Transition Support Specialist
2010 - 2017 Special Education Middle School Adaptive Curriculum Teacher
2004 - 2010 General Education Elementary Teacher
2021 - Graduate of the Virginia Board for People with Disabilities, Partners in Policymaking Program
2010 VCU / RCC Autism Spectrum Disorder Certificate
License & Endorsements
Virginia Department of Education Collegiate Professional License
Special Education Adaptive Curriculum Pre-K - 12
Elementary Education Pre-K - 6
“Until you have a kid with special needs you have no idea of the depth of your strength, tenacity and resourcefulness.” ~ Anonymous
Bright & Hatch
Personal Professional Experience
Parent of a child with Down Syndrome, Autism, Speech Language Impairment and significant behaviors that impact all aspects of daily living
Parent of a child with a 504 for ADHD
Virginia’s Community Services Board
Virginia’s Medicaid Waiver System: CSB, DMAS, DBHDS
Provided comments at School Board Meetings and SEAC meetings
Spoke at VDOE’s SSEAC Meeting: State Testing requirements for Individuals on the Applied Studies Diploma Track
Testified on Capital Hill: Appendix K
Testified to the Disability Commission: Appendix K